
Showing posts from August, 2007

My feelings about Russian churches, the Orthodox Church, and religion

My first experiences with Orthodox churches was when I was in elementary. Back then I was quite naive with matters about religion, what more, matters outside that of my own. I do not remember exactly when I started feeling interested and later fascinated with the onion-shaped domes of Orthodox churches. Everytime I see the colorful cupolas of the St. Basil Cathedral, I’m reminded that my church does not possess such a lovely feature. More and more, I begun to wonder about the interiors of such churches: How do they look like inside? Are they beautiful? In fact, they are more beautiful than I first thought. Russian churches are particularly magnificent and sumptuous beyond anything I’ve seen. They are complete contrast to the simple and austere interiors of Protestant churches that I have known since a child. The cathedral door is huge and heavy. Actually, the church itself is huge and towering high in the skies. The exteriors are heavily painted with different colors sometimes to an al