A Gentle Spirit

To the other side of the night sky,
To the distant silver horizon,
I want to become the wind
That accompanies the stardust’s song.
Brimming memories in the midst of bedlam,
I can almost hear the faint cry
Of a soul trapped in the cage of torment
And although thousand days have passed,
You still wander, searching,
For the one place you can’t find
And for an image that slowly fades.
Chase after a vanishing dream with weakened knees...
What is kindness?
Loneliness that never ceases,
Eyes that only reflect the enmity of humanity,
Embracing a scarlet destiny,
With hands that are blood-stained
But your heart is wounded.
When visions pass, or emotions arise
Unfurl your wings once more
To someone who care
To someone you care
Whoever that may be
Wherever there may be


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