
Showing posts from September, 2012

Final Coaching (Day 1)

I have decided to attend the Final Coaching for the LET in a review center near our home. I am expecting to learn more topics and the techniques that can be utilized in order to have a better understanding of how to answer the questions for the exam. I was utterly disappointed with this review center. I did not expect it to be that bad since I always see banners bearing the names of its "successful" examinees. The thing is, I think I have learned more that I ought to learn through self-review. Good thing I have my review materials. Good thing that I need not to "rely" on those proctors who are so lazy and disorganized in their work. After all, passing the exam still count on the students' capabilities and their perseverance. Aaahh! Two more weeks and it's exam day already!


"Inside the light, my consciousness fades. What a strange world, Gaea. A beautiful, sad world. Maybe one day I will come to this place again? Of course. Van. He and I will meet again. That's our wish. Wishes do come true. Please. Stars glittering in the sky, please grant my wish. Please bequeath this wish even if today's memories go away. Desires racing into the sky, they will reach that man. When I realize it. When I wish for it. Good bye, Van, black-haired, clear-eyed man. I will without fail return to this world."  ~Hitomi Kanzaki from Escaflowne Prologue 2: Gaea Drama CD

Child of Wings and Green Splendour

A poem for my all-time favorite anime character, Van Fanel from The Vision of Escaflowne. Child of wings and green splendour Born of twisting fate and predestination In your vein flows the blood of a fabled race Inhabitants of land, water and air. Days of cloudless childhood Ended so bitterly soon When one passed away And two vanished without any trace. A land of simplicity and hidden beauty Engulfed by flames and burned to the ground Blood awakens the heart of a sleeping dragon To fight for what's left and rule the majestic skies. Child of wings and green splendor Hands are blood-stained but your heart is wounded It conceals the pain of living alone In a dark and war-torn world. Everything was lost in the hands of a manipulated fate Hope came but it stood so far away One lost heart, always on its own It's still your will that determines the fate of this world.