Recently, I've taken an interest in growing plants. This new interest gave me so much amusement, especially that nowadays I have so much free-time. A few days ago, I decided to grow some aloe veras in our backyard. I've been suffering from oily scalp since I was in college, and I know that aloe vera can help me in keeping my scalp and hair healthy. And so I planted two sets of aloe vera in pots. During this time, I also noticed the spindly growth of our Chinese bamboo. Although it has become abundant in foliage since we transferred it from our front yard to the back yard, I didn't like the way it looked, and so I put it back to its original place in the front yard with the other Chinese bamboo. The palmera is also showing signs of spindly growth so I decided to trim some leaves and change its location so it would get enough sunlight. Yesterday, while preparing some scallion leaves for soup, I noticed that this vegetable, that has been in the refrigerator for quite s...