Anime and My Childhood

These past few days, I've been spending much of my free-time watching old-school anime. Back when I was young, I used to watch Japanese anime a lot. I remember turning on the TV early in the morning to watch my favorite animes, and the anime programmes would continue until early in the evening. I also remember being impatient to go home to watch, and end my day going to bed feelings satisfied but at the same excited for the next day.

Those were the glorious times of anime in our local television channels. Nowadays, almost no anime is being shown on TV. They were disappointingly replaced by Korean and Mexican soap operas. I have nothing against this current phenomenon, but as a child growing up devouring every single anime on TV and turning them into inspiration, I was and am totally sad and disappointed with what is happening.

Children of the '90s in our country, in my opinion, were more well-grounded, simpler, more inspired, more well-motivated and more care-free but certainly not lacking in responsibility than children nowadays. It's no wonder that anime were one of the factors that made children thus, and the simple games that children play with their playmates on the street in the afternoon after school certainly now belongs to a bygone era. I no longer see now children playing in the streets or bathing in the rain, they are now glued in front of their computer, playing computer/online games, Facebook-ing, and watching TV dramas that make children either take life more seriously or go after that handsome boy with a Beiber/Korean hairstyle. Ughhh Gawd!

I guess I'm just being nostalgic about the past, and I kind of miss the anime shows that made my childhood such a carefree and cloudless episode of my life. Now that I am an adult, I admit I rarely watch anime or keep up with the latest anime shows, but nowadays I am re-watching my favorite anime shows during my childhood, and relish in the fresh feeling they give me while trying to remember the wonderful feelings they gave me way back when I watched them for the first time.


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