A Dog Named Hachiko

Yesterday, I watched the 2009 movie "Hachi: A Dog's Story". While the title may seem sounds cliche, the story is far from that. It's about a dog named Hachi whose loyalty and devotion to his master was so great that it may even transcends death.

The movie was based from a real life story back in the 1930s in Japan about a dog named Hachiko. The dog's story captured the hearts of many Japanese people and until today Hachiko is held in high respect by the Japanese people. He became the symbol of loyalty.

The movie is a real tearjerker and will definitely break your heart. I don't usually cry when I watch movies but this movie really hit my heart so much that I found myself crying so bitterly while watching the last half part of it. Until now, I haven't move on yet. :)

What struck me the most about the movie is the way it was presented from the dog's point of view. It vividly portrayed the tragedy of Hachi. His love and loyalty to his master was so strong that he didn't understand that his master is dead and he couldn't move on. He was stuck in the stage of the grieving process of denial. The poor dog is tormented and nothing can give relief to it's obvious pain and loneliness except for a man who is already dead.

I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. It's really a must see, and the message it conveys will surely tear anyone's heart out.

For more reading about the true story of Hachiko, click this link.



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