A very impressionable photograph of the lovely Audrey Hepburn, the epitome of grace and style, sophistication and glamour. She's a beautiful person, inside and out.
More than ten years ago I received a few bulbs of lilies, my favorite flowers, from an acquaintance. I planted the bulbs in our front yard and it turns out that the bulbs that I thought all the same were actually two groups of different species of lilies. What species are they exactly I do not have the slightest idea. All I know is that the pink ones bloom continuously throughout the year. But the other one, the fiery red-orange variant, is elusive. It blooms at a certain time of the year only, during the hottest months, April to May. After May, the flowers start dying altogether, and stops blooming, until the next year again, in the same months. What makes these flowers so special and so engrossing to me, beside their beauty of course, is how seldom they bloom. They were there for only two months; two months to admire their beauty, and then they're gone. It's like a reminder how something beautiful can also be ephemeral. Perhaps it's the transitory nature of things ...
It was supposed to be in the summer of ‘09 - our trip. But then, we had to cancel it because of the conflict in our schedule. We were both busy - each of us had a rather demanding and quite stressful job. It’s as if I’m a bird clutched by my master and struggling very hard for air to breathe. I felt suffocated. It was stuffy and the pressure was too much to bear. And I wanted freedom. Freedom from a thankless job.. Freedom from the pressures of what I must do.. It was rather taxing..especially when the eleventh month started. We just had celebrated our two years together that previous month, and now our relationship was hanging in a fine thread. At that period, I was doing everything at the same time. I was studying, working, maintaining a relationship, and at the same time, dealing with everyday household problems. It was too much, I thought, but I know I can manage. Then suddenly, I can’t go on anymore. At that time, there was no one I can count on. There was ...
I have now been married for two months. And I can honestly say that marriage changed me a lot. One of the things that I noticed was how I became even more organized in arranging my personal things. When I was still a single, I had so many stuff in my room that I cling to tenaciously - old clothes, anime-related memorabilia like posters, trading cards, stickers that I collected when I was in high school, old books, old comic books, VHS tapes and cassette recording of my favorite anime shows, high school notebooks, college test papers and reviewers, and even a bag full of plastics that I collected whenever I buy clothes or things from the department store and bookstore. Yup, I kept all of those too! I had this tenacious attachment to past things ever since I could remember and this continued until I got married last December. After I got married, I realized that I was entering a new chapter in my life. It's like a new beginning for me, a fresh start, and I learned that there were som...